The Rovers' first ever tournament was a resounding success! With teams from BC and Alberta in attendance to battle it out on the island for a chance at the coveted annual championship trophies.

Excellent performance from all the teams involved at the 158th annual Victoria Highland Games hosted by the Van Isle Rovers on September 4th, 2021.
Vancouver Éire Óg GAA Club took home the McNamara Cup after a victory over Calgary in the Men’s Gaelic Football final.
The ladies of Calgary Chieftains GAA and the Rovers battled it out for a best of 3 matches. Calgary came out on top with 2 wins for the Wild Rover Cup!

Special congrats to Rovers player Laura Isherwood for earning player of the tournament for the ladies, and Davey Clarke from Calgary for the men.

Thank you to the players who participated on the men’s and ladies’ Gaelic football sevens teams, and to our sponsors and everyone who came out to support! We were so happy to have teams from Vancouver Éire Óg GAA Club and Calgary Chieftains GAA in attendance as well.
We can’t wait to see what next year brings for our club. Van Isle Rovers Abú!
Here is an excellent summary of the Victoria Highland Games sevens tournament by Kathleen Stewart, the Van Isle Rovers' Irish Language and Cultural Officer:
Tá buíochas ó chroí le gabháil le chuile dhuine a tháinig chuig an gcomórtas peile ag na Victoria Highland Games Comhghairdeas le CLG Vancouver Éire Óg a bhuaigh an Corn McNaMara in aghaidh fhir CLG Calgary Chieftans sa gCluiche Ceannais. Is ag mhná CLG Calgary Chieftans a bhí an bua nuair a thug siad aghaidh ar CLG Van Isle Rovers. Tréaslaím d’fhoireann mhná Calgary a thug leo Corn Wild Rover. Bronnadh laoch an chomórtais ar Laura Isherwood agus ar Davey Clarke at an lá.